Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Spicy Chat

We tried this scenario on about five people before we found someone who actually knew who Sotomayor was. We are impressed by how much political opinion he spewed at us in an effort to meet us in our "chambers" later.

[readytogonow123] hey there
[MistressSylvia] AMERICA!!!
[readytogonow123] FUCK YEAH!!!
[readytogonow123] wanna chat?:
[MistressSylvia] wanna rp?
[readytogonow123] what scene?
[MistressSylvia] ok
[MistressSylvia] you're under consideration for the position of chief
justice of the united states
[MistressSylvia] a wise latina you are
[MistressSylvia] im a member of congress
[MistressSylvia] ready for some hardcore no holds barred questions
[readytogonow123] sure
[MistressSylvia] Ms. Sotomayor, why are you so sexy?
[readytogonow123] si
[readytogonow123] well...i keep in shape...and come from an attractive
colubian family
[MistressSylvia] oh si si si
[MistressSylvia] I can see that
[MistressSylvia] Do you think Obama is hot?
[readytogonow123] well...not as attractive as you mam...i just wanna
say," i will do ANYTHING you ask for this position"
[MistressSylvia] oooh yes
[readytogonow123] i mean i will e your slave for this
[MistressSylvia] So what case would you cite most often for precedence?
[readytogonow123] brown v. board of education
[MistressSylvia] OMG IM SO HOT
[MistressSylvia] I LOVE desegregation
[MistressSylvia] we'll have to meet in my chambers after these proceedings
[readytogonow123] oh yes mam
[MistressSylvia] What's the first thing you'd do if you got th position?
[readytogonow123] decriminalize drug consumption
[readytogonow123] i would really like to speak privately with you in
your office for a feew minutes congress woman, if that isn't
[MistressSylvia] Decriminalize drug consumption!
[MistressSylvia] so you're an activist judge?
[MistressSylvia] isn't your job in the consitution to interpret the law
[MistressSylvia] not make it, Ms. Sotomayor
[MistressSylvia] ISN"T IT?
[readytogonow123] so that is would be easier to job would
be to enforce the laws in a way that promote the most general welfare
[readytogonow123] interpret the laws
[readytogonow123] can we move on
[MistressSylvia] no
[MistressSylvia] explain yourself Ms. Sotomayor
[MistressSylvia] if you explain yourself, i will fuck you
[readytogonow123] drug consumption being illegal just maintain a high
price on the street, if you were to legalize possession and use in
smmall amounts, you could then use police resources to secure more
drug trafficing/trafficers
[readytogonow123] also dropping the price of drugs
[readytogonow123] who would sell them if there was no money in it?
[MistressSylvia] activist judge!
[MistressSylvia] unfit
[MistressSylvia] UNFIT
[MistressSylvia] I bid you good day

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