Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Very Lonely Goatherd

You don't touch Julie Andrews. You don't touch her in bed with seven children. You just don't.

[shybuthard] hi
[MistressSylvia] hi
[shybuthard] how r u hon
[shybuthard] ?
[MistressSylvia] delightful
[shybuthard] interesting what r u up to?
[MistressSylvia] teaching my foundlings to sing
[shybuthard] im intrigued
[shybuthard] you are a gorgeous girl btw
[MistressSylvia] why thank you
[MistressSylvia] it’s why i had to leave the nunnery
[shybuthard] well im sure all guys are attracted to you
[shybuthard] i can't stop looking at your beauty
[MistressSylvia] thanks
[MistressSylvia] my employer thinks so too
[MistressSylvia] though he's dating someone else
[MistressSylvia] i just want him to notice me
[shybuthard] well i wish i could be that guy
[shybuthard] id be all over u
[shybuthard] give u such a good time
[MistressSylvia] the damn baroness
[MistressSylvia] ruining everything
[MistressSylvia] i just want to fill the house with music, if you know
what i mean?
[shybuthard] i know what u mean
[shybuthard] i wish i could do that for u
[MistressSylvia] so what are a few of your favorite things?
[MistressSylvia] mine include but are not limited to whiskers on
kittens and hot apple strudel
[shybuthard] i love going to the gym, and im a rly good hockey player
[shybuthard] lol
[shybuthard] you are an interesting person
[shybuthard] i like it
[MistressSylvia] aww thanks
[MistressSylvia] so can i welcome you into my lakehouse?
[shybuthard] id loved to be welcomed
[MistressSylvia] come on in
[MistressSylvia] i blow a whistle
[shybuthard] in i enter
[shybuthard] intrigued to see the place
[MistressSylvia] 7 children dressed in drapery fabric obediently enter and line up and say their names
[MistressSylvia] these are my foundlings
[shybuthard] ah
[MistressSylvia] i hardly have time to myself with these handfuls
[MistressSylvia] could use some me-time
[shybuthard] i dont mind helping
[MistressSylvia] oh yeah
[MistressSylvia] the kids sing a farewell song, using many different languages
[MistressSylvia] i ring a triangle and take you up to my room
[shybuthard] i enter your room
[shybuthard] curiously
[MistressSylvia] i let you in
[MistressSylvia] I’m wearing a lace nightgown that covers everything
[shybuthard] i walk in and jump on your bed
[MistressSylvia] there's a rapping at the window
[MistressSylvia] a busty young lady in sopping wet clothes comes in
[shybuthard] im shocked
[shybuthard] kinda scared
[MistressSylvia] "liesl!" i cry. what are you doing here?
[MistressSylvia] "frauline maria, im so sorry."
[MistressSylvia] "this is about a boy" i reply.
[shybuthard] im in freaking out
[MistressSylvia] calm down its just a storm
[MistressSylvia] thunder looks and sounds scary, but it cant hurt you
[shybuthard] i relax
[MistressSylvia] liesl tells me about her boyfriend rolf
[MistressSylvia] "he sounds like a nazi, dear"
[shybuthard] i listen
[MistressSylvia] she sings about being 16 going on 17 and being
capable of making her own decisions
[shybuthard] im fascinated
[MistressSylvia] the other children run in, afraid of the storm like you were
[MistressSylvia] i agree to let them all sleep in my bed
[MistressSylvia] you wanna sleep here too, i ask?
[shybuthard] only if im next to you
[MistressSylvia] what would captain von trapp say (or sing?)
[shybuthard] no idea
[MistressSylvia] ok sleep here between me and little gretel
[shybuthard] i cuddle with u
[MistressSylvia] i cuddle gretel
[shybuthard] i accidently touch your bossoms
[MistressSylvia] i'm deep in sleep, unaware as I’ve been out teaching
the kids their do-re-mis all day and twirling around the city
[shybuthard] i c u dont notice so i continue
[shybuthard] loving every moment
[MistressSylvia] gretel wakes up and cries
[MistressSylvia] Frauline Maria!
[MistressSylvia] The visitor is touching you
[shybuthard] i hesitate
[MistressSylvia] rolf comes
[MistressSylvia] and takes you away
[MistressSylvia] to somewhere...i don't ask questions
[MistressSylvia] in the morning i take the children into the
mountains and we escape austria forever
[shybuthard] why
[MistressSylvia] it's wwii, silly
[MistressSylvia] the nazis want captain von trapp to join his forces
[MistressSylvia] which he would never do
[MistressSylvia] also the baroness died or something
[MistressSylvia] now he wants me
[MistressSylvia] meaning i dont want you
[MistressSylvia] i sing a song about it
[shybuthard] i listen
[shybuthard] sad
[MistressSylvia] it's ok
[MistressSylvia] i get married at a big cathedral
[MistressSylvia] srsly my bridal train is liek a mile long
[shybuthard] wow
[MistressSylvia] dont worry you're invited
*** shybuthard has gone offline.

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