This was such a good show. Does anyone remember it? It was so good. I wish it was still on. Maybe Lifetime plays reruns of it. I should look into that. It was so goddamn amazing. CBS just isn't as heartfelt anymore. Fucking Survivor. Ruined everything.
[hugedick420] hi
[MistressSylvia] hey[hugedick420] how r u
[MistressSylvia] well
[MistressSylvia] wanna rp?
[hugedick420] sure
[hugedick420] i'm horny as hell
[hugedick420] wanna be my mistress
[MistressSylvia] sure thing
[MistressSylvia] what’s your fav genre of rp?
[hugedick420] i like being tied up and used
[hugedick420] and abused
[MistressSylvia] ok
[MistressSylvia] i have the perfect scenario
[hugedick420] ok
[MistressSylvia] I knock on your door
[hugedick420] and i answer
[MistressSylvia] in front of you ,you see Tyne Daly
[MistressSylvia] hello
[MistressSylvia] where is your mother?
[hugedick420] shes not here
[MistressSylvia] Well I'm glad that I am
[hugedick420] me too
[MistressSylvia] my name is Maxine Gray
[MistressSylvia] I'm from Child Protective services
[MistressSylvia] and im here to make sure you're safe
[MistressSylvia] Where is your mother?
[hugedick420] shes not home right now
[hugedick420] why are u making sure that i'm safe maxine
[MistressSylvia] Damn, the office is closed now
[MistressSylvia] I'll just have to take you home with me
[hugedick420] ok
[hugedick420] why
[MistressSylvia] We're in the car
[MistressSylvia] you're very brave
[MistressSylvia] it's hard to be alone in the world without a mom
[hugedick420] yeah it is kinda
[hugedick420] yeah i'll go home with u because i'm kinad scared
[MistressSylvia] Well, timmy, I'm going to find a good home for you
[MistressSylvia] but my placement office is closed tonight
[MistressSylvia] budget cuts
[hugedick420] ok
[MistressSylvia] the damn governor espouses family values then cuts our budget
[MistressSylvia] the nerve!
[hugedick420] that sucks
[MistressSylvia] We're at my house
[hugedick420] but u will keep me safe
[MistressSylvia] I shuffle you in
[hugedick420] ok
[MistressSylvia] This is my daughter
[MistressSylvia] You see in front of you a 40-something intellectual woman with glasses and beautiful auburn hair, wearing a silk shirt, sipping a cuppa tea
[hugedick420] ok
[MistressSylvia] a judge's robe hanging open
[MistressSylvia] She peers at you judgmentally
[hugedick420] ok
[MistressSylvia] "Mom, a moment!"
[MistressSylvia] "Amy, you may be able to contain your work in your little courtroom but child protection does not take a vacation."
[MistressSylvia] She feels bad and I usher you into the bedroom
[MistressSylvia] Do you have any questions for me Timmy?
[hugedick420] why did u take my in the bedroom?
[hugedick420] me
[MistressSylvia] This is yours until the office opens tomorrow, Timmy, and I can resolve where your mother is
[MistressSylvia] Do you like your sandwiches without crust?
[hugedick420] ok
[hugedick420] yes
[MistressSylvia] I go to the kitchen
[MistressSylvia] and make you a sloppy joe without crust
[MistressSylvia] I return and give it to you
[hugedick420] thats a good sloppy joe
[MistressSylvia] Why thank you...
[MistressSylvia] I start to feel your scalp
[MistressSylvia] caressing every inch of skin
[hugedick420] what r u doing?
[MistressSylvia] Examining your scalp for lice.
[MistressSylvia] I have to include it in my report.
[MistressSylvia] So what was life with your mother like? I'll have to write it out for the paperwork.
[MistressSylvia] Damn red tape!
[MistressSylvia] I just want to save children
[hugedick420] my mother was a drunk
[MistressSylvia] I scribble furiously
[MistressSylvia] Alcohol has broken too many homes
[hugedick420] yeah
[MistressSylvia] I send you a worried, but determined look.
[hugedick420] it tore my family apart
[MistressSylvia] my grey bun glistening in the moonlight
[MistressSylvia] What about your father?
[hugedick420] the alcohol broke them apart
[MistressSylvia] i'm so sorry
[hugedick420] and i was forced to live with my mom
[MistressSylvia] do you have any other relatives I could contact for you to live with while we track down your mother and get her on the right track, I say touching my sweater-vest and an oxford shirt from Talbot's
[MistressSylvia] XL women's dept.
[hugedick420] no everyones gone
[MistressSylvia] We'll I'll make sure to place you with a proper family
[MistressSylvia] Do you know what foster care is Timmy?
[hugedick420] yes
[MistressSylvia] I think to myself, damn the system I could raise this child myself
[MistressSylvia] but what would Amy think
[MistressSylvia] oh good
[MistressSylvia] Amy knocks on the door
[hugedick420] come in
[MistressSylvia] This is my house young man
[MistressSylvia] I decide who comes and goes
[MistressSylvia] Hello, Amy what is it?
[MistressSylvia] (You're Amy now)
[hugedick420] what are u to doing
[MistressSylvia] (You are a fair, but tough judge in family court. You are stressed from a day of seeing families torn apart, you making the tough calls)
[MistressSylvia] Amy, I'm trying to help this child as I always am
[MistressSylvia] What do you need?
[MistressSylvia] Is Lauren acting up or your brother Vincent addicted to painkillers again?
[hugedick420] ok i was just thinking why don't u adopt the kid
[MistressSylvia] Amy, that's so unlike you
[MistressSylvia] wanna make out?
[hugedick420] yes
[MistressSylvia] but you're my daughter
[MistressSylvia] and we have this foundling right here
[hugedick420] lets make out with him
[MistressSylvia] Amy that's disgusting!
[MistressSylvia] He's a child.
[MistressSylvia] We're here to protect him!
[hugedick420] it was a little joke but seriously u need to find him a home in the morning
[MistressSylvia] Oh Amy, you're still the same old sassy daughter
[MistressSylvia] im glad the trying hours in family court have not jaded you too much
[MistressSylvia] Compassion is what we Grays are all about
[MistressSylvia] I start to cry and hold you tight
[hugedick420] thats right
[hugedick420] it's okay mom
[hugedick420] were doing the right things
[MistressSylvia] What did you do in court today?
[hugedick420] had to deal with child abuse cases and domestic violence cases
[MistressSylvia] Wanna talk about it?
[hugedick420] and the parents always say they didnt do it and it pisses me off
[MistressSylvia] i know Amy
[MistressSylvia] but we can’t give up
[hugedick420] i start to cry and hold u tight
[MistressSylvia] i cry too
[MistressSylvia] and hold you tighter
[hugedick420] don't worry timmy we will find u a nice home
[MistressSylvia] yes, we will
[MistressSylvia] even if it's ours, right Amy?
[hugedick420] right
[MistressSylvia] There is a knock on the door
[MistressSylvia] I walk downstairs
[MistressSylvia] I open the door and see a portly woman wearing a ragged woolen poncho standing on the porch
[MistressSylvia] "Can I help you?" I ask
[MistressSylvia] "Yes, I believe you can. I'm here for Timmy. I'm his mother."
[MistressSylvia] stay tuned for scenes from next week's episode of Judging Amy
*** hugedick420 has gone offline.
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